The medium sized elephant in the room is the problem MSM has with Advertising. The mind sucking banality of most advertising ruins everything it touches. It is the equivalent of media pollution. Add that to the mix of disinformation and propaganda and you have a three dimensional experience of swimming in a sea of sludge.
Cue for me to mount my hobby-horse and say that so long as journalists' training is in the grip of academics captured by critical theory and its tenets of diversity, equality and inclusiveness nothing is going to change. Mr Cotterill has good suggestions but nothing is going to change until the Augean stables of our academic institutions, all of which are in the grip of the above, as are all others the world over. Sadly, I don't believe it's going to change in my lifetime (I'm 76), but I'm sure the pendulum will eventually swing away from blind adherence to an idealogical dogma that has never been successful long-term. Unfortunately it'll be too late for the next generations who'll have no experience or understanding of news dissemination free of propaganda and hypocrisy.
The medium sized elephant in the room is the problem MSM has with Advertising. The mind sucking banality of most advertising ruins everything it touches. It is the equivalent of media pollution. Add that to the mix of disinformation and propaganda and you have a three dimensional experience of swimming in a sea of sludge.
Cue for me to mount my hobby-horse and say that so long as journalists' training is in the grip of academics captured by critical theory and its tenets of diversity, equality and inclusiveness nothing is going to change. Mr Cotterill has good suggestions but nothing is going to change until the Augean stables of our academic institutions, all of which are in the grip of the above, as are all others the world over. Sadly, I don't believe it's going to change in my lifetime (I'm 76), but I'm sure the pendulum will eventually swing away from blind adherence to an idealogical dogma that has never been successful long-term. Unfortunately it'll be too late for the next generations who'll have no experience or understanding of news dissemination free of propaganda and hypocrisy.