Good riddance indeed.

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Kate and Sanjana are two people who personify the rise of political Marxism in New Zealand during the Ardern leadership years, getting support out of the PM's office and receiving taxpayer funding. That funding is gone. Thankfully. Good article.

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I was thinking that The Disinformation Project would make a good satirical TV comedy show. Otherwise it is in the rubbish where it belongs.

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This is indeed great news.

To describe them as pseudoscientific besmirches the term pseudoscientific.

Their "white papers" were complete garbage, 99% of the references were lamestream media articles....better still they often referenced themselves being interviewed by the lamestream media.

"Look this is definitely a problem becasue we said it was a problem to Stuff three months ago"

I particularly enjoyed their "verboten word graphs" where the size of the word on the graph, supposedly correlated to the usage of the word. They were like the first graph a schoolchild might use, no scale or even an axis, meaning you couldn't tell how heavy the word usage was or compare the usage of different verboten words.

Almost as if the social science numptys involved don't really grasp numbers? Or graphs. Or what science is and how it works. As if they want to look sciency so people will take their half baked opinions seriously. Unfortunately, that sort of thing was more infectious in the covid years than covid itself.

If you click on the links to what they are doing Hattotuwa is now:

"available for client services including expert or confidential briefings on influence operations, institution, community or sector specific analysis, future scenario planning, and disinformation’s"

and when you click on that link you go to a onedrive page where the item doesn't exist.

Nicole Skews-Poole links a website where "anchordown", her new PR project offers

"strategic communications consultancy focused on building social cohesion and organisational resilience."

Hannah is "is moving from focusing on disinformation to a wider portfolio of work in sustainability, social cohesion, and technology-facilitated gender-based violence". So from one nebulous alleged problem to a different set. I wager Hanah has never seen a topic she couldn't diffuse away whatever little sense it might have made.

And so "The Disinformation Project" that most mid-witted, sanctimonious, haven of schoolmarmery, dissipates into the ether, hopefully never to bother us again.

We shouldn't count on it though.

It's tough to keep a good snake oil salesperson down.

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I heartily endorse the comments below but for some reason I don't get a response when I click on the "like" buttons on Substack. I've commented at length about TDP on Halfling's other analyses of their perfidy and I'm nasty enough to hope that Kate Hannah gets a further come-uppance with the pending court case. As the TDP poster girl in MSM, especially on TV, she did a huge amount of damage with her smears masquerading as fact.

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Ms Hannah was clearly projecting in labelling Chantelle as a “useful idiot”.

A nasty marxist trait. The so called disinformation project was part of the Labour governments Covid propaganda apparatus working in conjunction with its ‘nudge unit’ to coerce citizens into the government narrative. Its favourite tool ad hominem attacks.

The head of that serpent formally receives her dame hood from prince William this week!

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I wonder how that was "arranged". There is quite a bit of mana associated with being dubbed by the heir to the throne rather than the GG. It just seems so coincidental that she could arrange to be at Windsor Castle for a dubbing but not at Govt House in her homeland.

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Perhaps she's nervous about stepping foot back in the homeland ...

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And her being both a republican and a socialist no less.

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Yes, to the previous commenter, "good riddance" is the phrase that came to me.

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This was a very strange use of the word 'genocidal' by The Disinformation Project:


And re Chantelle Baker, is her constant posting about how she is also suing Stuff inadvisable? ie should she just file the suit and let the process play out? Could all that grandstanding be seen as a negative by the court?

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Lying scum - no loss whatsoever

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