Thank you for a good read and I concur with the ‘less is better’ concept of Government. Especially due to Govt inefficiency which sees them take a dollar and return only a small portion thereof to society (the Govt machine has many frictions). But how does one combat the extortionate power of near monopolies in small countries such as NZ? We are being well fleeced by banks, oil companies & supermarkets (& councils!).

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Thanks for a licid and interesting article.

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I appreciated the piece and would hope somewhere an elected person in government currently reads and heeds the advice, then acts giving directions towards reducing the legislative burden and government involvement in daily life accordingly.

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Sadly I think that for an elected rep to do that would be like turkeys voting for an early Christmas.

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Terrific essay. I could not agree more. The close cousin of "the Government must do something" is the "we ought to pass a law" cry.

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Thanks Rex.

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