I would like to think that the use of "right-minded" was inadvertent but I fear that in this era of polarising journalism it probably wasn't. Just goes to show how subtle the creep of critical theory can be. Pity - it spoiled an otherwise good editorial.

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Atlas …? Try Anthem! A broadside at both group think and utterly against that collectivist mindset. For without the mould-breaking entrepreneurs like Mowbray thems who enjoy their fruit downstream would soon drop their own standard of living …

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Anthem, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged - all good but "This is John Galt Speaking" in Atlas Shrugged is a clear if somewhat lengthy statement

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You write brilliant articles sir, but at times you are too gracious.

“I am not suggesting that the desire for a “groupthink” is alive and well in the Herald editorial suite”

I thought you were building to a Tui moment there as a ‘yeah, right’ response would have been most apposite. On climate & race matters especially, the Herald is well entrenched with its singular & demanded narrative.

But otherwise very well written thank you. As a small business owner in NZ, I’m well ready for a big shrug.

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Some well crafted and important points made, for which I thank you D. Keep up the good work.

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"Right-Minded" has become such a loaded term that it spoiled an otherwise good editorial. What I think it would be fair to say is -- most kiwis would also support measures to protect this country's natural beauty. Most, although not perhaps as many, would also support creating a business environment that would support the success of commercial activities. Finding the balance between these often conflicting goals is the challenge. I have been in business all of my adult life, and have cared deeply about protection for our natural heritage for at least as long. Having watched the near obliteration of our wetlands has, by way of example, left me less confident than Halfling that market forces can be relied on to find the correct balance between these competing forces.

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Equally, any NZer of sound mind should be welcoming every opportunity to use the bounty with which Nature has provided us to earn more talents, to increase jobs and export income,.... Such as through smart agriculture, responsible mining, gas and petroleum extraction, as much as possible, while also taking good care of our lands, forests, fisheries and water courses,.... And we believe that smart Kiwis are eminently able to find the right balance between these values!

To not make good use of the resources we have been given is simply laziness, which deserves its own condemnation! Just as the one who hid his talent in the ground.... upon the basis of a deceived notion....

And let it be known that even NZ nothofagus forest can regrow and be harvested again, without causing depletion of the soil as radiata pine can do...

And I speak as a one-time West Coast boy who loves the wilderness, and who also studied biological sciences up to level 4,


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