Thanks, well opined. I fully agree that a proper LOTR experience would be an absolute winner. Look even how many people flock to Dubrovnik to see where the rather distasteful Game of Thrones was filmed. We just need to do better in the LOTR cafe (second lunch?) as the Harry Potter butterbeer was so sweetly foul our kids even hated it.

Oh, and all power to Ms Rowling, she is a brave & intelligent woman. Her books are very well composed & her trans & free speech views are sound.

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JKR all the way for me & hiss boo to those ungrateful wretches Radcliffe et al.

Thanks for making me feel like I was there Ken.

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Interesting article. The Harry Potter tour sounds and looks wonderful. You make a good point about lost opportunities for the Hobbit and the Rings stories. I loved visiting Hobbiton, even on a very wet day, and could certainly wish for a larger and grander tourist effort for those stories.

Just want to stick up for JK Rowling with regard to the trans issue. Your words made her sound like a bit of a meanie regarding the proposed legislation for gender self-ID. The complexities of the trans issue, and the ramifications of any man being able to just state in law that he is a woman, are enormous, and way too much to be gone into here. Rowling's concern is the very real impact this would have, and is already having in the erosion of women's and girls' rights - rights to safety, privacy, dignity in single-sex spaces and fairness in sports. She is certainly not transphobic, but you see these claims because the mainstream media has jumped on that bandwagon boots and all, and omitted a rounded and balanced reportage entirely.

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Hi Sheryl

Thanks for the comment. I have a great deal of sympathy with JKR's position and agree that MSM have demonized her.

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