I don't know how this got past me when you first put it out! I hope you still plan to follow on because I don't think they're going away and I do think they're dangerous, partly because of the way they've become the go-to quote-of-the-day for the MSM. They do not base their prognostications on fact but instead on insidious, unsupported opinion masquerading as sound research.

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MSM are lazy and TDP are good with emotive fear driven sound bites. I think many people now see through them as part of the previous government’s messaging service.

That said after a discussion I had today I have no doubt that many of the previous Govt proposed projects will be massaged to fit the new Govt approach. A sort of self perpetuating agenda driven by the bureaucracy. Many commentators are recognising this and hopefully there will be a realignment in Wellington

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I admire your optimism!

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